Prof. Livio Triolo


Curriculum Sintetico

Current address: Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 00133 Roma, Italy. 

Degree: "Laurea in Fisica", Università di Roma, 1967. 

Current position: Full Professor in Mathematical Physics, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata". 

Previous positions: 
1968-70: CNR and MPI Fellowships, Physics Dept., Università di Roma.
1971-72: Military Service in the Meteo Service. 
1972-85: "Professore incaricato", Mathematics Dept., Università di Camerino and Roma. 
1985-99: Associate Professor, Mathematics Dept., Università di Roma "La Sapienza" and Roma "Tor Vergata". 

Scientific Activity 
Main interests in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics: kinetic theory, diffusive and hydrodynamic limits, dynamics of phase transitions and subsequent macroscopic evolution, growth models of biomedical interest, study of processes on random networks.

Publications since 1993 


[1] G.Benfatto, L.Triolo, Descrizione Statistica di Sistemi Dinamici,
 Induzioni  9, 153-158, 1994 ( articolo ),

 Mathematical Physics and Modelling 

[1] A.De Masi, E.Orlandi, E.Presutti, L.Triolo, Motion by mean curvature by scaling nonlocal evolution equations,
 J.Stat.Phys., 73, 543-570, 1993 ( pdf , Abstract) 
[2] A.De Masi, E.Orlandi, E.Presutti, L.Triolo, Stability of the interface in a model of phase separation,
 Proc.Royal.Soc.Edinburgh, 124A, 1013-1022, 1994 ( pdf , Abstract) 
[3] A.De Masi, E.Orlandi, E.Presutti, L.Triolo, Glauber evolution with Kac potentials : I Mesoscopic and macroscopic limits, interface dynamics,
 Nonlinearity, 7 , 633-696, 1994 ( pdf , Abstract) 
[4] A.De Masi, E.Orlandi, E.Presutti, L.Triolo, Uniqueness and global stability of the instanton in non local evolution equations,
 Rend. Matematica, 14, 693-723, 1994 ( pdf , Abstract) 
[5] L.Triolo, A generalization of the H-theorem to steady nonequilibrium states . Part I: A basic decomposition and the linear case,
 Math.Meth.Appl.Sci., 18, 507-513, 1995 ( pdf , Abstract) 
[6] A.De Masi, E.Orlandi, E.Presutti, L.Triolo, Glauber evolution with Kac potentials: II Fluctuations,
 Nonlinearity,9, 27-51, 1996 ( pdf , Abstract) 
[7] A.De Masi, E.Orlandi, E.Presutti, L.Triolo, Glauber evolution with Kac potentials: III Spinodal decomposition,
 Nonlinearity, 9, 53-114, 1996 ( pdf , Abstract) 
[8] E.Orlandi, L.Triolo, Travelling fronts in non local models for phase separation in external field,
 Proc.Royal.Soc.Edinburgh, 127A, 823-835, 1997 ( pdf , Abstract) 
[9] V.Sidoravicius, L.Triolo, M.E.Vares, On the forced motion of a heavy particle in a random medium I: existence of the dynamics,
 Markov Proc. and Rel.Fields , 4 , 629-648 1998 ( pdf , Abstract) 
[10] K.Ravishankar, L.Triolo, Diffusive limit of Lorentz model with uniform field from the Markov approximation
 Markov Proc. and Rel.Fields, 5 , 385-421, 1999 ( pdf , Abstract ) 
[11] V.Sidoravicius, L.Triolo, M.E.Vares, Mixing properties for mechanical motion of a charged particle in a random medium,
 Commun.Math. Phys., 219 , 323-355, 2001 ( pdf , Abstract ) 
[12] V.Gayrard, E.Presutti, L.Triolo, Density oscillations at the interface between vapour and liquid,
 J.Stat.Phys.,108, 863-884, 2002 ( pdf , Abstract ) 
[13] L.Triolo, Free Energy Functionals in the Mesoscopic Description of Phase Transitions,
 Markov Proc. Rel. Fields, 8, 339-350, 2002 ( pdf , Abstract ) 
[14] T.Gobron, E.Saada, L.Triolo, The Competition-Diffusion Limit of a Stochastic Growth Model,
 Math.Comp.Model., 37, 1153-1161, 2003 ( pdf , Abstract ) 
[15] T.Gobron, L.Triolo, A conservative-dissipative dynamics for a spin system,
 Preprint 01/03 Dip. Matematica Univ.Tor Vergata, ( pdf , Abstract ) 
[16] S.Luckhaus, L.Triolo, The continuum reaction-diffusion limit of a stochastic cellular growth model,
 Rend. Acc.Lincei (S.9), 15 , 215-223, 2004 ( pdf , Abstract ) 
[17] L.Triolo, Space structures and different scales for many-component biosystems,
 Markov Proc. Rel. Fields , 11, 389-404, 2005 ( pdf , Abstract ) 
[18] L.Triolo, Quantum Statistical Mechanics: Overview,
 Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, eds. J.-P. Francoise, G.L. Naber and Tsou S.T. Oxford: Elsevier, 2006 (ISBN 978-0-1251-2666-3), 4, 302-308 
[19] P. Buttà, F. Cerreti, V. D. P. Servedio, L. Triolo, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Vascular Network Formation,
 J. Stat. Mech., Theory and Experiment, 5, P05013, (2009), pdf , Abstract ) 
[20] O.Benois, M.Mourragui, E.Orlandi, E.Saada, L. Triolo, Quenched large deviations for Glauber evolution with Kac interaction and Random Field,
 Markov Proc. Rel. Fields , 18, 215-168, 2012 ( pdf ) 
[21] C. Rossi, M.Santoro, L. Triolo, Drug user dynamics: a compartmental model of drug users for scenario analyses, accepted in
 Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy (2012) ( pdf )