Prof. Livio Triolo
Full Professor of Mathematical Physics
at the Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata"Main research interests:
Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics
Processes on Random Networks
Modelling of Diffusion and Growth in Biomedical Systems
Teaching activity (Degrees in Physics and Biology)
"Modelli Matematici per i Biosistemi", (Programma per l'AA 2011-12)
"Matematica per Sc. Biologiche, A-L" (Programma per l'AA 2012-13) (Note supplementari del Corso) (Comunicazioni agli studenti)
Curriculum Sintetico
Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata",
Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 00133 Roma, Italy.
"Laurea in Fisica", Università di Roma, 1967.
Full Professor in Mathematical Physics, Dipartimento di Matematica,
Università di Roma "Tor Vergata".
CNR and MPI Fellowships, Physics Dept., Università di
Military Service in the Meteo Service.
"Professore incaricato", Mathematics Dept., Università di
Camerino and Roma.
Associate Professor, Mathematics Dept., Università di Roma "La
Sapienza" and Roma "Tor Vergata".
interests in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics: kinetic theory,
diffusive and hydrodynamic limits, dynamics of phase transitions and
subsequent macroscopic evolution, growth models of biomedical
interest, study of processes on random networks.
since 1993
a) Didactics
G.Benfatto, L.Triolo, Descrizione Statistica di Sistemi
Dinamici, Induzioni , 9,
153-158, 1994 ( articolo ),
b) Mathematical
Physics and Modelling
A.De Masi, E.Orlandi, E.Presutti, L.Triolo, Motion by mean curvature
by scaling nonlocal evolution equations, J.Stat.Phys., 73,
543-570, 1993 ( pdf , Abstract)
A.De Masi, E.Orlandi, E.Presutti, L.Triolo, Stability of the
interface in a model of phase
separation, Proc.Royal.Soc.Edinburgh, 124A,
1013-1022, 1994 ( pdf , Abstract)
A.De Masi, E.Orlandi, E.Presutti, L.Triolo, Glauber evolution with
Kac potentials : I Mesoscopic and macroscopic limits, interface
dynamics, Nonlinearity, 7 ,
633-696, 1994 ( pdf , Abstract)
A.De Masi, E.Orlandi, E.Presutti, L.Triolo, Uniqueness and global
stability of the instanton in non local evolution equations, Rend.
Matematica, 14,
693-723, 1994 ( pdf , Abstract)
L.Triolo, A generalization of the H-theorem to steady nonequilibrium
states . Part I: A basic decomposition and the linear
case, Math.Meth.Appl.Sci., 18,
507-513, 1995 ( pdf , Abstract)
A.De Masi, E.Orlandi, E.Presutti, L.Triolo, Glauber evolution with
Kac potentials: II Fluctuations, Nonlinearity,9,
27-51, 1996 ( pdf , Abstract)
A.De Masi, E.Orlandi, E.Presutti, L.Triolo, Glauber evolution with
Kac potentials: III Spinodal decomposition, Nonlinearity, 9,
53-114, 1996 ( pdf , Abstract)
E.Orlandi, L.Triolo, Travelling fronts in non local models for phase
separation in external field, Proc.Royal.Soc.Edinburgh, 127A,
823-835, 1997 ( pdf , Abstract)
V.Sidoravicius, L.Triolo, M.E.Vares, On the forced motion of a heavy
particle in a random medium I: existence of the dynamics, Markov
Proc. and Rel.Fields , 4 ,
629-648 1998 ( pdf , Abstract)
K.Ravishankar, L.Triolo, Diffusive limit of Lorentz model with
uniform field from the Markov approximation Markov
Proc. and Rel.Fields, 5 ,
385-421, 1999 ( pdf , Abstract )
V.Sidoravicius, L.Triolo, M.E.Vares, Mixing properties for mechanical
motion of a charged particle in a random medium, Commun.Math.
Phys., 219 ,
323-355, 2001 ( pdf , Abstract )
V.Gayrard, E.Presutti, L.Triolo, Density oscillations at the
interface between vapour and liquid, J.Stat.Phys.,108,
863-884, 2002 ( pdf , Abstract )
L.Triolo, Free Energy Functionals in the Mesoscopic Description of
Phase Transitions, Markov
Proc. Rel. Fields, 8,
339-350, 2002 ( pdf , Abstract )
T.Gobron, E.Saada, L.Triolo, The Competition-Diffusion Limit of a
Stochastic Growth Model, Math.Comp.Model., 37,
1153-1161, 2003 ( pdf , Abstract )
T.Gobron, L.Triolo, A conservative-dissipative dynamics for a spin
system, Preprint
01/03 Dip. Matematica Univ.Tor Vergata,
( pdf , Abstract )
S.Luckhaus, L.Triolo, The continuum reaction-diffusion limit of a
stochastic cellular growth model, Rend.
Acc.Lincei (S.9), 15 ,
215-223, 2004 ( pdf , Abstract )
L.Triolo, Space structures and different scales for many-component
biosystems, Markov
Proc. Rel. Fields , 11,
389-404, 2005 ( pdf , Abstract )
L.Triolo, Quantum Statistical Mechanics: Overview, Encyclopedia
of Mathematical Physics,
eds. J.-P. Francoise, G.L. Naber and Tsou S.T. Oxford: Elsevier, 2006
(ISBN 978-0-1251-2666-3), 4,
P. Buttà, F. Cerreti, V. D. P. Servedio, L. Triolo, Molecular
Dynamics Simulation of Vascular Network Formation, J.
Stat. Mech., Theory and Experiment, 5, P05013,
(2009), pdf , Abstract )
O.Benois, M.Mourragui, E.Orlandi, E.Saada, L. Triolo, Quenched large
deviations for Glauber evolution with Kac interaction and Random
Field, Markov
Proc. Rel. Fields , 18,
215-168, 2012 ( pdf )
C. Rossi, M.Santoro, L. Triolo, Drug user dynamics: a compartmental
model of drug users for scenario analyses, accepted in Drugs:
Education, Prevention & Policy (2012) ( pdf )